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Solvitur Ambulando: Solved by Walking

Updated: Mar 27, 2023

Saturday, March 24, Lent Calendar* Invite: Go on a walk in nature. Notice what’s blooming. What new thing might God be trying to bring forth in you?

“Solvitur ambulando.” This Latin phrase translates to “it can be solved by walking.” Danish philosopher Soren Kirkegaard knew the phrase to be true. He gave this advice, “Above all, do not lose your desire to walk: Every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from every illness; I have walked myself into my best thoughts and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it.”

This phrase works figuratively and literally. I experienced the power of walking - or hiking - in a very tangible way in 2022. In January of that year, I set out with a goal to hike an average of 50 miles per month, so 600 miles for the year. You can read that story here. Suffice it to say, all those steps in nature were a blessing for my body, mind, and soul.

Today, on this 32nd day of Lent, you are invited to walk in nature. Perhaps it will be a walk around the block or out on a trail or at a botanical garden. If you are in an area where the weather isn’t agreeable, maybe there is an arboretum where you can walk. Spring is my favorite time of year to be outside wandering in Southern California. Out on the hiking trails, the hillsides are adorned in seas of purple and gold as the lupine and mustard display their glorious blooms.

God has a way of speaking to us through the world he created. Today, if you can, notice what is blooming. If you are still in the cold throes of winter, as my Midwest people are, ponder your favorite spring blooms that you are anxiously awaiting. Spring invites us to think anew. What new thing might God be trying to bring forth in you?

*Find the daily Lent calendar here; or for the Lent calendar more specific to Ascension Lutheran Church, go here.

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